


Campion is committed to assisting its students, both during their time of study, and after graduation. This page contains a number of resources and useful links whether you are searching for work to help fund your study, or to begin your career after graduation.


Job Seeking

Job seeking is a reality both for current students seeking to support themselves through their study, and graduates taking their first steps along their future career paths. Our jobs page contains links to a number of websites for job seekers. It also lists several part-time opportunities.
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Career Planning

Campion students are invited to discuss their interests with the Dean of Studies or attend one of our many career sessions throughout the year. Our career planning webpage also provides resources to assist students in identifying and selecting career opportunities.
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Work Experience

Campion students are encouraged to undertake work experience and internships throughout their undergraduate years. Our work experience and volunteering webpage provides some of the main opportunities that have been advertised to the College and Student Life Officer.
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Graduate Programs

GradConnection and the Australian Government advertise a number of graduate programs each year for those students who are in their final year/semester of study. Our graduate programs webpage provides a starting point for students interested in pursuing this path post-Campion.
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Further Study

While some of our graduates have entered the workforce immediately after graduation, many students seek to undertake further study. There are many opportunities for Campion graduates to pursue vocational studies in various fields or explore the subjects studied at Campion even further.
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Alumni Opportunities

Campion College is regularly approached by institutions and employers from various industries who seek to advertise jobs and opportunities to our liberal arts graduates. While these opportunities are typically for graduates, some opportunities are also open to students.
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