Postgrad Admission

Postgrad Admission

For students seeking enrolment to the Graduate Certificate in Religious Education (Primary)


Admission overview

Apply direct

Applications to study at Campion College are made directly i.e. not through a third party such as UAC. We do not charge an application fee.

Processing time

The admission process can take up to 10 working days (provided that you have submitted a complete application).

Key dates and deadlines

Campion College has two intakes per year. 2022 intakes are as follows:

  • Semester 1 begins Monday 14 February 2022
  • Semester 2 begins Monday 18 July 2022

We accept applications all year round and encourage you to apply by the following deadlines:

  • Semester 1 application deadline: Friday 4 February 2022
  • Semester 2 application deadline: Friday 8 July 2022

Please contact our student Recruitment Manager on (02) 9896 9303 or via if you would like to discuss a late application, keeping in mind:

  • Your enrolment must be complete before the census date of the semester in which you are commencing study; and
  • You must apply in time to meet the minimum attendance requirements for the units you are studying.


Admission Pathways

The drop-down table below indicates the admission pathway applicable to Graduate Certificate in Religious Education (Primary) applicants.

Grouping Description Academic Entry Requirements Minimum  standard
Higher Education Study Applicants whose highest level of study since leaving secondary education is a higher education course.

Includes study at university and non-university higher education providers, whether recent (such as students seeking to transfer to another higher education provider or changing course at the same provider) or some time ago.

Higher Education Course (HEP) Successful completion.



Step 1: Apply

Your application consists of three main components.

Admission to this course takes the form of:

  • An undergraduate degree (minimum AQF Level 7) from a recognized institution, or
  • The ability to demonstrate sufficient professional or life experience in areas related to the specialization of the qualification.
  • English-language proficiency.

Applicants already qualified to teach religion in Catholic schools must also have an undergraduate degree in education or teaching from an accredited institution.

Campion College requires certified documents to complete your enrolment (see drop-down menu at the bottom of this page titled ‘Certifying Documents’ for more information). You are permitted to submit electronic/non-certified documents with your application form on the understanding that certified copies must be provided at a later date.

Complete your online application form here, uploading eligibility documentation.

Once you have submitted your application form (including academic transcript), you will be contacted to schedule a 15-minute interview with a member of the academic staff.

The interview provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate:

  • a clear understanding of the course expectations;
  • a commitment to study;
  • an ability to express yourself effectively;
  • and an ability to work independently and as part of a team.

Where possible, interviews are conducted face-to-face. Otherwise, an interview may be conducted via Skype or over the phone.


Step 2: Receive an Offer

Once your application is complete, it will be assessed by the Dean of Studies.

Successful applicants will receive a Letter of Offer via email.

Unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email.

Applicants who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their admission may follow normal grievance procedures to appeal against the decision.


Step 3: Enrol

If you receive a Letter of Offer, you will be required to enrol within two months of the date on your Letter of Offer.
Postgraduate enrolment form



Once you have enrolled, you will be able to apply for the following:

Credit will be considered for the following circumstances and in accordance with the CCA Recognition of Prior Learning Policy:

  • Students currently working as RE teachers who have accreditation to teach RE in a Catholic School may apply for a maximum of 6 credit points (1 unit of study) of RPL.
  • Students who have completed prior undergraduate (AQF Level 7) or postgraduate studies in Theology may also be eligible for a maximum 6 credit points (1 unit of study) of RPL.
  • Graduates of Campion College’s Bachelor of Arts who have completed a minor in Theology will be eligible for a maximum of 6 credit points (1 unit of study) of RPL.

Applications for RPL and Academic Credit can be submitted after enrolment. Applications are to be sent to the Coordinator of Admissions and Student Life at

Applications will be assessed by the Dean of studies.

Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application within 10 working days.

The RPL and Academic Credit application form can be found here.

Newly-enrolled students may take what is called Leave of Absence, which is the postponing of the commencement of their studies for a period of up to four semesters (two years).

If you are newly-enrolled but would like to take Leave of Absence, complete the Variation of Enrolment form and send it to the Admissions Coordinator at

The College will contact you to confirm the approval of your request, and to keep you informed about the important dates and deadlines pertaining to the future commencement of your studies.


Further Information

What is a Certified Document?
These are copies of official documents, which authorised officers have verified as true copies of the original.

Who can certify a document?

Only authorised officers can certify documents. These include:

  • Justice of the Peace (JP)
  • Pharmacist
  • Australia Post Office personnel
  • Barrister or solicitor
  • Member of the clergy
  • Full-time primary, secondary or tertiary teacher
  • Registered medical practitioner

How should an authorised officer certify a document?
Before certifying a document, the authorised officer must ensure that each page being certified is an identical copy of the original.

The authorised officer Certification must include the following:

I certify that this is a true copy of the document produced to me on (date)
Qualification (e.g. JP, Pharmacist)
Contact details

How do I submit a certified document?
Certified documents must be posted or delivered in person to the Admissions Office. Certified documents cannot be sent by email or online.

Please follow this link for a list of relevant Campion Policies and Procedures