Early Offer Scheme

Early Offer Scheme

Campion’s Early Offer Scheme allows Year 12 students and non-high school leavers to fast track your Letter of Offer for 2023. We can support you in receiving either a conditional offer or a standard offer between August and September, providing confidence and reassurance that your place at Campion in 2023 is secure.

As part of your application, you will need to submit a written statement and community recommendation. Additionally, you will undertake an interview with one of our academics. These stages in the process will allow you to demonstrate your readiness for tertiary study, your commitment to the liberal arts tradition and your potential to make meaningful contributions to the Campion College community based on your previous educational, vocational and community involvement.

Benefits of Early Offer Scheme

Added confidence

Reduce your stress knowing your place at Campion is already secured.

Seamless transition

From the moment you accept your offer, you will have the full support of our staff as you enrol, apply for scholarships and transition to college life.


When you apply for Campion’s Early Offer Scheme, you will be automatically considered for a Campion scholarship for your first year.


Key Dates

Our Early Offer Scheme for students wishing to enrol in 2023 will open mid-year. Check back soon for further details!